hand made
From the villages in the hills of Jerusalem to Gaza, Ramallah, and Bethlehem, we work with family owned businesses, artisan workshops, and women's cooperatives to produce our beautiful Nol collective creations.
The traditional and ancestral techniques of this creative network carry our love for the land and storytelling.
traditional Palestinian crafts such as tatreez (hand embroidery) and weaving are touched by a history of political struggle and resistance. for tatreez, we partner with and collaborate with dozens of embroiderers in villages throughout the West Bank.
we also work with traditional handwoven Majdalawi fabric, a 100% cotton fabric which is and has been a critical element of traditional palestinian dress for centuries. hailing from the Gaza region, from the demolished town of al Majdal, this majdalawi fabric was handwoven in one of the last remaining artisan studios left in Palestine.
Our designs are inspired by rich Palestinian and Levantine, illuminating a legacy of slow and intentionally made garments.

conscious fashion
we are actively working to illuminate the politics which shape how we produce, engage with, and buy fashion. we're bringing you into the design and production process to redefine the relationships we have with our clothes and with the people who make them.
art is political, and thus, fashion is political. It gives way to a global interconnectedness as well as situations that are often of asymmetrical power and exchange.
the hope is that our garments read like visual manuscripts, humanizing and narrating the collective labor of love behind a garment and the triumph of creativity and heritage in the face of struggle.

Palestine, like indigenous communities all over the world, has a historically strong, reverent, and harmonious relationship with the land. in the last several decades, practices like the use of natural fibers, natural dyeing, and slow labor have been threatened in the face of an increasingly industrialized and commercialized world. Furthermore, these practices are threatened with erasure by appropriation and violence under military occupation. By slowly incorporating ancestral practices like natural dyeing and partnering with cooperatives which hand-weave or hand-embroider, and sourcing natural and dead-stock fabrics, we hope to spark a more conscious conversation about the intersectional impact of fashion on the environment, politics, and identity.